In the sermon at the end of the Divine Liturgy, held at St. George's Cathedral in Saint-Hubert, Quebec, on the occasion of the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, HG Bishop Ioan Casian spoke about about the Mother of God as one who deeply knows the mystery of the economy of salvation:
Countless times we are urged to remain unwavering in the faith we received as the listeners of St. Paul remained. We are urged to build everything we do on unwavering faith in Christ as the foundation of everything. The word is important because it penetrates the mind and arranges everything that will be undertaken according to its content and meaning. The word of faith is not a simple word. The received word is the Word of God Himself, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, who brings with Him all the infinite depth of God.
In another place we are reminded that there can be many words according to the 'tradition of men' or the philosophy of this world, but they do not lead us to the deep meanings but to the weaker ones, and especially 'not according to Christ.'
But who is the person who best knows God's work with our humanity? The answer can only be one: the Mother of God. She knows best the mystery above nature and understanding of the conceiving and birth of Christ, the Son of God, according to the flesh. It is the Mother of God who best knows the One whom she gave birth to in a wonderful way. It is she who abandons herself by faith perfectly in the hands of God and contemplates His work above nature. It is she who understands that the scarcity of her words and the discretion of her presence around the Savior was the most appropriate way to testify about the true identity of Christ. It is enough for her at a wedding in Canada to say: 'Do whatever He tells you.' The Mother of God urges everyone to 'see', to look at 'the person of the Son of God' with the awakened eyes of faith, with an understanding unconditioned of 'human tradition' or 'according to the basic principles of the world' that abound in the post-adamic world. The Mother of God knows best the secret that the Church through the Ecumenical Councils proclaimed: Christ is fully the Son of God. In Christ, as a human being dwells the divinity or rather in the person of the Son of God, all of humanity is contained and fulfilled. He humbled Himself to the appearance of an ordinary man.
The Mother of God has emptied her human understanding to let herself be filled with the heavenly one. She followed the same logic of the economy of salvation, not the post-adamic one. She is the person who has realized in herself in the best possible way for a human person the likeness of God. The Mother of God becomes for us an example of how each of us can fulfill the likeness of God.
Man begins by faith to open his mind, his reason and his life to the unfathomable work of God. He begins to get to know God. His knowledge is no longer an individualistic, secularized, materialistic and hopeless one, but one in which he feels the power of the transfiguring and redeeming grace that brings him back to the authentic path whose end is Christ. This knowledge brings him to the threshold of the abyss of the eternity and infinity of God where the whole tongue confesses ‘that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.’ (Philippians 2:11)
At the end, the hierarch of Canada blessed those present.