Thursday, November 21, 2019, the day we celebrate the Feast of the Entrance into the Temple of the Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian, the Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Canada, was present among the faithful of the Diocesan Cathedral St. George from Saint-Hubert. The ruling bishop of the Diocese, officiated Wednesday, November 20 the Service of the Great Vespers with Lytia and on the morning of Thursday, November 21 the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, along with the clergy of the cathedral - Fr. Daniel Sandu and Fr. Traian P. Constantin.
Addressing the faithful present at the Great Vespers, the hierarch said:
At the feast of Our Lady's churching, we all are witnesses of the pedagogy of people's salvation. We face in front of us a true spiritual "grammar" through which God, step by step, teaches us the language of heaven. A model in this path is the Mother of God who shows us the double aspect of the language of holiness: how God speaks to humankind and how humankind can speak to God. The result of this dialogue is the one shown in the Mother of God, who became the living Church of the Most High and according to her model we are called to follow the same path, each and every one of us.
The sermon at the Divine Liturgy on the feast day was given by Prof. Dr. Gheorge Butuc, who is visiting Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada at the invitation of HG Bishop Ioan Casian and with the blessing of HEm Casian, Archbishop of the Lower Danube, Romania. He showed in his sermon that the Mother of God lives in the Temple a true story of spiritual love with multiple dimensions: as the beloved daughter of the Heavenly Father; as the bride of the Bridegroom of Israel and as the mother of the Son of God. In the journey to Bethlehem the Mother of the Lord teaches us how to become a cave-church in which the baby Jesus was born.