Americas was held at St. Andrew Romanian Orthodox parish, Mississauga, Ontario.
On Thursday afternoon, August 22nd, a special meeting took place, attended by the two hierarchs of the Metropolia, the administrative Vicars, Deans and members of the Archdiocesan and Metropolitan Consistories. The discussions were coordinated by Rev. Fr. Conf. Univ. Dr. Patriciu Vlaicu from the Faculty of Orthodox Theology "Babeş Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, the parish priest of St. Nicholas Parish in Brussels. As an expert (Doctor of Canonical and Civil Law), Rev. Fr. Patriciu made a brief presentation of the Regulations of the Canonical Disciplinary Authorities and the courts of the Romanian Orthodox Church and answered questions from the participants
Friday, August 23rd, began with the Akathist of the Holy Virgin’s Dormition, followed by breakfast.
His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae thanked His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian and the host parish for organizing the event and extended a warm welcome to all priests of the Metropolia. Then, His Eminence presented the meditation "Receive this Precious Gift and keep it...," emphasizing the priest's responsibility for conscious service, according to the advice given to him by the Hierarch on the day of ordination, as he entrusts him with the Holy Body of the Lord (Lamb).
His Grace Ioan Casian presented the meditation "Orthodoxy at the crossroads – time, space, cultures." Referring to the rapid change/abandonment of traditional values by the contemporary society, the speaker stressed the need to reset our mission, as a church (community), on the true foundation, Jesus Christ, the source of Christian inspiration, Who teaches us that the goal of life is the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:25; 32-33), and the purpose of life is the cleansing of the heart (Matthew 5:8).
Rev. Fr. Nicolae Codrea presented the conference "90 years since the founding of the Orthodox Missionary Episcopate (1929-2019): evaluation of the past and vision for the future." The interventions, in the context of the anniversary theme, of the two administrative Vicars, Fr. Nicholas Apostola and Fr. George Bazgan followed.
The presentation of Rev. Fr. Patriciu Vlaicu, "The Eucharistic Communion with other Christian-Orthodox communities versus ethnic isolation," was debated by the four groups of priests, who then brought to the attention of all the conclusions and the significant points discussed.
At 15:00, Prof. Ionuţ Tudorie, PhD in Theology and history, academic dean of St. Vladimir Orthodox Theological Seminary of New York, presented the Conference: “Academies or Faculties: Romanian Orthodox University Theological Education from 1925 to 1948”
Fr. Patriciu Vlaicu made the second presentation of the day: "The place of the laity in the church – active involvement versus the priest’s aid; The role of the Parish Council.
Having listened with much interest, the priests discussed the theme in the four groups, then brought the conclusions to the full session.
Friday ended with the Akathist of St. Andrew, followed by supper.
On Saturday, August 24, at 7:30 the Divine Liturgy began, celebrated by the two Hierarchs of our Metropolia and all the present priests.
His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian gave the sermon, saying: "Our search is the search for perfection, which we find in the Divine Liturgy. If we want to be leaders of the Church, we must be the servants of all. The Divine Liturgy is the anticipation of the Kingdom of God."
The Education Commission presented a report on religious education and a review of the catechetic materials, as well as of those published in bilingual version.
In closing, Metropolitan Nicolae announced that the next Clergy Conference will take place in 2021, and that these meetings will be held every two years, between Congresses.