Today we celebrate two important saints to us Romanian and not only – in case of St. Stephen the Great and to the Church on the North American continent in the case of St. John Maximovici - the Bishop Ioan Casian said on Tuesday, July 2, at the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral St. George in Saint-Hubert, Quebec on the occasion of the celebration of the feast of the two saints.
If we think of a general typology, St. Stephen the Great is the man who has established himself as a defender of Christianity and a founder of churches, surely driven by the conviction of the necessity of resistance through the communion of people around God through the places of worship. It is the historical sense of permanence in time and stone of the instinct for eternity. We can ask ourselves: How would Moldova today show without the dozens of monasteries and churches built by St. Stephen as thanksgiving to God for his victories in countless battles against enemies?
St. John Maximovich represents the more spiritual side and the universality of the Church in all areas of the earth. He who lived in Asia, Europe, and North America spiritually enriched the lives of all through his spiritual work recognized by all. They are two saints with complementary work in the service of God and of the Church.