Sunday, March 3, H.G. Bishop Ioan Casian was present among the faithful of St. George's Cathedral in Saint-Hubert. Alongside the Romanian hierarch of Canada served hieromonk Paisie Buhnilã, Rev. Fr. Daniel Sandu and Traian Petre Constantin and deacon Cãtãlin Gheorghiu.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the hierarch said:
Saint Apostle Paul draws our attention in the first Epistle to Corinthians to the fact that fasting is not just the abstention from normal dishes. It is not this that will bring us before God. This exercise is an ascetic one that helps us diminish the thickness of our fleshly passions to feel more the work of the soul.
Speaking of the Gospel’s text about the Last Judgment, the hierarch remembered:
There are two judgments: the particular judgment, immediately after death, which remains provisional. The Church can pray to bring down the mercy of God over those who did not live an appropriate life, and to change their state of suffering in joy and blessing toward salvation; the final judgment, the general one, puts us in a definitive and eternal state.
The text tells us that there is a moment when all will be weighed by God in light of the vocation He intended for his creation and in the way it has been fulfilled or not. Judgment will be based on the merciful love we have fulfilled or not - by the care of the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the sick, the needful or the prisoner. The attention toward God is manifested in the care of the one in need and in trouble. They are the ‘too small’ brothers with whom He is solidary. They are the image and likeness of God. Through our care for them we actually do what is necessary for them to fulfill their vocation given by God.
Time and people arrive at the Last Judgment to pass through a radiography from the perspective of the purposefulness for which they were created finding if they have or have not fulfilled their vocation as bearers toward or of eternity. There is a moment of truth that shows that the world cannot remain in confusion and injustice that would mean the victory of the evil. The two cannot be the ultimate criteria of this world. They can be provisional, but in no way definitive, because our God is the Sun of justice and truth. Similarly, we as Christians, let us be people who spread around justice and truth.
In continuation the children from the Sunday school held a short artistic program of songs and poetry. The psaltic group led by Valentin Botu and Stefanos Atenagoras gave the answers at strana. The agape-meal ended the program of the day.