HG Bishop Ioan Casian participated
at the clergyy Synaxis and at the installation of the new archpriest of Sascut Deanery
With the blessing and in the presence of His Eminence Ioachim, Archbishop of Roman and Bacău, on Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at the Church "Saint Nicholas and Romanian Saints" Sascut-Village from Sascut Deanery, a clergy Synaxis took place, on the occasion of the installation of the new dean – the archpriest Alexandru Grigoraș.
The Holy and Divine Liturgy was performed by HG Ioan Casian, the Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Canada, who was accompanied by the priests of Sascut Deanery. A Trisaghion was also celebrated for the priests of the Deanery who reposed into the Lord and for the mayor of the Sascut Municipality, Mr. Ioan Răuță.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, in his homily, HG Bishop Ioan Cassian spoke about the joy of communion in prayer and meeting God in the Liturgy:
"I saw an intense spiritual zeal here today. The priests of the Deanery prayed together today and we feel the spirit of prayer and communion in God. Beyond what as humans we have in common, surely, we are united by culture, language, tradition. I think we are all in a deep communion that transcends both time and space. Why? Because as it was today, we were in the communion of the Divine Liturgy. We are talking about the presence of God in our midst, and our way as servants of God, as members of the Church, is to give witness to the Christian faith. The clergy ministry is only a part of the vocations of our Christian Church. The baptized laypeople, likewise, have this responsibility to bear witness to the Christian faith. Or, we, every time we find ourselves in the Church, we actually find ourselves in the presence of God".
After these moments, HEm Archbishop Ioachim, officiated the ordination and installation service of the new archpriest of the Sascut Deanery in the presence of diocesan councillors, other archpriests, abbots and abbesses and many parishioners.
Rev. Fr. Alexandru Zamfir, administrative councillor, presented the Hierarchical Decision appointing Rev. Fr. Alexandru Grigoraș to the position of archpriest, and Rev. Fr. Ciprian Ignat, diocesan secretary, read the Hierarchical Grammata with the obligations and duties stipulated in the Statute for the Organization and Functioning of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
The local hierarch appreciated the activity of the former archpriest, Rev. Fr. Vasile Abageru, emphasizing the good progress of this institution in the Sascut Deanery area. The new dean thanked Archbishop Ioachim for the trust showed by his appointment to this position and to all those who have supported him over time.
At the end the two hierarchs blessed the crowd present at the event.