On the third Sunday of the Triodion, His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian was present among the faithful at St. George's Cathedral in Saint-Hubert. On this occasion at the end of the Divine Liturgy, addressing the believers present, he said:
”We have a few weeks since we entered one of the major liturgical periods of the ecclesiastical year - which is the Triodion. We have seen in the two Sundays so far - that of the Tax-collector and Pharisees and that of the Prodigal Son the force of the humble prayer made with the consciousness of man's sinfulness and the distance between him and God, respectively that that for every sin there is a universal solution which can heals and this is repentance. In today's Sunday we are shown that the acquisition of the eternal kingdom prepared from the beginning of the world by God to the virtuous man begins with his deeds done here and now. St. Paul says that not the material things will lead us before God, but our freedom to do good and not become a stumbling block for our brother. In fact, sin against those around us is a sin against Christ. The sin committed against the neighbor is ignoring the presence of the image of God in every human person. In fact, the criterion for our judgment at the end of time is the good deed, the mercy. The attention toward those around us becomes the attention toward Christ. He identifies Himself with each human person.
Often our impression is that we have all the time until the end of the world will arrive, as we will have other times when we will be able to show the Christian charity that takes us on the road to the kingdom. However, the Gospel shows us that the time of salvation is always present at every moment. He is saving time here and now. He is filled with the loving personal relationship to God through neighbor. In the neighbor God lives by His image. It creates an ontological connection between us as brothers and members of the same body. The concrete needs of our neighbor - hunger, thirst, loneliness, lack of all things, illness and consequences of evil deeds - demand our attention. Trying to help transforms us into Christlike people who alleviate suffering and bring comfort to those in need by giving dignity and hope to those in a fragile situation. Time is valuable by filling it with the qualitative relationship of love which is the most important commandment left to us by God.”
His Grace Policarp Morușca, the first Romanian Orthodox Bishop on the North American continent, was commemorated at the memorial service.
At the Divine Liturgy HG Bishop Ioan Casian was helped by Fr. Daniel Sandu.
At the end of the service, the hierarch blessed those present and then continued attending the General Assembly of the members of the eparchial cathedral.