HG Bishop Ioan Casian: The vocation in the Church comes with the responsibility to help the spiritual growth of those who have received the faith and are on the way to God.
Participating in the Divine Liturgy on Sunday after the Lord's Baptism at St. George's Cathedral in Saint-Hubert, and addressing the believers present, His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian said:
"St. John the Baptist addresses his contemporaries with the invitation to repentance because it opens the way to the kingdom of heaven. And we ask ourselves: how is this? Repentance is the change of the mind, it is the emptying of the passionate self, it is the science of the place and vocation that God has given us, it is the need of being close to the other, it is the askensis of retaining oneself to let space for the other. Humility is the quality of God through which the incarnation happened, etc. Repentance prepares us to be at every moment in the condition of encountering God.
God gives different vocations in the Church so that the Church can attain the purpose for which it was given - that is, to raise man to the likeness of the Son of God. God gives the apostles to witness the resurrection of Christ and ours, the prophets to contemplate the presence of God in history and to remind us the Creator, the evangelists to learn the hopeful way of the joy of salvation, the shepherds to guide those who want the kingdom of heaven and teachers to prepare those who want to know. All of these God has given to the Church to assist the advancement towards perfection of those who have received the faith, to teach them to pray, that is, to speak to God while building the Church as the body of Christ. The ultimate purpose of all these things is to reach the unity of faith because one is God, to know the Son of God Jesus Christ, because through Him salvation comes, to grow in perfection as God desires, and to attain likeness of Christ as much as possible. The vocation in the Church comes with the responsibility to help the spiritual growth of those who have received the faith and are on the way to God.”
At the end of the Holy Liturgy he blessed those present.