The Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada
between December 27stand 30th 2019
Reverend Fathers,
Beloved faithful,
The winter camp of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada will be held this year at Val-Morin (Quebec) – Edphy International, 1200 14e ave. Val-Morin (Quebec) J0T 2R0. The coordinating parish of the camp will be the Romanian Orthodox Parish of St. Mina - Lorraine.
It is the first edition of the winter camp for the youngest in Canada. I urge you to encourage all the young people in your parishes to take part in this formational and educational event.
Among the activities envisaged are the following:
· Morning and evening prayers;
· Catechesis, conferences and discussions on Christian topics;
· Icon painting lessons, drawing;
· Campfire;
· Sport activities.
You will find a detailed program in the files attached.
The camp price is $ 260 CAD for children in the member parishes of the Diocese, respectively $ 280 CAD for non-members. This price includes accommodation, meals and activities.