On Sunday, November 3, the Romanian Orthodox Parish Descent of the Holy Spirit commemorated the 86th anniversary of uninterrupted activity in the middle of the Romanian community in Windsor, Ontario. The Divine Liturgy was performed by Fr. Nicolae Codrea - parish priest, and afterwards the a Memorial Service was celebrated for the founding members of the parish, as well as for all those who over time have helped and sacrificed for this holy place of prayer.
Then followed the anniversary agape meal organized by the reunion of the ladies of the parish, which was attended by an impressive number of believers. Also, this important moment was attended by Fr. Vesici Deian Ilia, the new parish priest of St George and Saint Hierarch Andrei Șaguna, Metropolitan of Transylvania Cathedral in Windsor, Ontario together with his family.
"On the 86th anniversary, the most important moment is the restoration project of our church. When we arrived in this city we were blessed to find this beautiful place of prayer here. But now, our church needs us. If the Good God has inspired 86 years ago our forefathers to raise this church, surely the same Good God asks that we today preserve and care for it! We owe a holy debt to our ancestors, but especially to our children and grandchildren, to ensure that this church continues to be a long-standing testimony of our steadfast faith in Christ the Risen One! I invite you and I urge you to support us in this major restoration project of our church towers. We can only bring this project to an end if we are together, only if we support one another and pray for one another. Let us also be united and moved, like our ancestors, of the same divine thought, of having a Romanian church in the other corner of the world ”, confessed Father Nicolae Codrea.
The Descent of Holy Spirit Parish of Windsor, Ontario was established on April 29, 1933, when a portion of the members of the Romanian community in Windsor elected their first church committee. The property of the church was donated in 1933 by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baby. The land on which the church was built is a small triangular piece of earth located at the intersection of the Seminole and Drouillard streets. The style of the church is Gothic simplified, having a Romanesque plan. The church has five towers, two onion-shaped and three cone-shaped. The domes of the towers are decorated with crosses that have stained glass windows in the colors of the Romanian flag. Also, the windows are in the colors of the Romanian flag. The church was erected in 1934, and the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated in 1934 by Father Demetrius Jastremsky. Due to cultural and spiritual richness and to its venerable age, in 2010, the church of the Descent of Holy Spirit Parish was included on the Heritage list of the monuments of Canadian city of Windsor, Ontario.
In the end, Father Nicolae Codrea thanked all those involved in the smooth running of the anniversary event, as well as those who have recently passed the threshold of the holy church to support the restoration and beautification project. Even though at this time Descent of the Holy Spirit Parish of Windsor, Ontario, has a small number of members, through work, effort, sacrifice and dedication, the project to restore the five towers as well as the roof of the church has begun. At the same time, a large fundraising campaign was launched to complete this beautiful and special project.