With great spiritual joy the Romanians, Greeks and Canadians faithful in the Richmond Hill - Toronto area celebrated one of the parish's feastday – St. Great Martyr Dimitrios on Saturday and Sunday, October 26-27, 2019.
On this occasion, on Saturday, the Sacrament of the Anointing was celebrated in the presence of H.G. Bishop Ioan Casian and other priests from the Deanery for Central Canada and on Sunday, October 26 at 8:30 am the Matins followed by the Divine Liturgy.
In the sermon the Romanian hierarch of Canada said:
In Jesus Christ humanity begins to draw near to the life in God in the image of the Holy Trinity - Christ as our Brother according to our humanity, Father as the One to whom we are sons in the image of His Son and the Holy Spirit as the One who renew our human nature through our relationship with the neighbor similar to relationship between the Father and the Son.
Through Baptism we become citizens of the kingdom of God through the grace of the resurrection and redemption in Christ and through the gift of the Holy Spirit given in the Sacrament of the Chrismation. At the same time, we also become regular householders, that is, regular guests in the house of God which is the Church and sit at the table of the kingdom which is the Divine Liturgy.
Through the Holies Sacraments and other services at which we participate, we become more and more familiar with the Kingdom of God, which is revealed in a mysterious way and gradually transfigures our souls and bodies according to each one’s faith.
The foundation of the whole work for our salvation is the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ which penetrate in us as members of His Body. We have through Him the guarantee to dare to knock on the doorss of the house of God and in the measure of our words, life and deeds, but especially because of God's grace we will dwell with Him in eternity.
Regarding the life of St. Great Martyr Dimitrie, the hierarch said:
We have St. Dimitrie as a model of confessing the right faith as a very young man in a political context in which he put his life in danger. And yet he did not hesitate to become 'a second Paul' through his boldness and to show that the social position and confession of the faith are not opposed. He exhorts and guides all Christians towards the spiritual ascension, showing himself the image of pure sacrifice and unbroken faith.
Bishop Ioan Casian blessed those present and encouraged them to join Fr. Dean Viorel and Fr. Emanuel in the project of erecting the parish church, thereby becoming church founders as well as Christ saying: 'The Savior Jesus Christ is the first founder of the Church built on His sacrifice for the whole world. '
The erection of the church is a 17-year-old wish of this parish which, with the help, prayers and intercessions of the patron saints of this community, St. M. Mc. Dimitrie and St. Three Hierarchs - Basil, Gregory, and John will be realized not only spiritually but also through the construction of a place of God to help maintain and transmit the Orthodox faith for the glory of God and the salvation of the souls.
Fr. Viorel thanked the hierarch for the blessings on the occasion of the dedication and also thanked those who were involved in organizing the agape for this community event, especially the ladies of the parish committee. He also reminded that only the intercession of the saints and the Virgin Mary will make it possible to fulfill the community's desire to have their own church. Father Viorel expressed thanks to founders, members and benefactors knowing that giving in the name of Jesus Christ and of the saints brings joy and peace to the salvation of souls.
During the event everyone relived the joy of being Romanians in the authentic atmosphere of the Romanian village shown through the traditional national costumes that many believers wore.
The short history of the Parish:
May 5, 2002 - the mission is established in Toronto dedicated to St. Great Martyr Dimitrios with the blessing of H.Em. Metropolitan Joseph of Paris, at that time locum-tenens of Archbishop for the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of America and Canada
October 26, 2002 - the first dedication of the church is celebrated in the presence of H.Em. Archbishop Nicolae of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the two Americas.
2005 - the second dedication to the Three Holy Hierarchs is added
2009 - a property composed of land and house is purchased, in order to build the new church.
2010 - a chapel is arranged in the basement of the existing house, where the religious services during the weekdays are performed.
May 8-9, 2012 - hosts the Eastern Canada Deanery meeting in the presence of H.Em. Archbishop Nicolae and H.G. Bishop Ioan Casian de Vicina
June 2012 - the elevation of the Mission to the rank of Parish approved by the Archdiocese Congress
September 30, 2014 - purchase of neighboring property for the construction of the new church.
January 2018 – the theologian Emanuel Ionuț Tencaliuc ordained as deacon by H.G. Ioan Casian
June 2018 – elevation of Fr. Viorel to the rank of Dean for the newly established Deanery for the Center of Canada within the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada.
September 15, 2018 - deacon Emanuel Ionuț’s ordination to priesthood
May 3, 2019 - the small consecration of the new chapel with the dedication Life-giving-Spring feast in close proximity to the place where the new church will be erected