The Assembly of the Western Deanery of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada took place on October 4-5, 2019 at the Holy Trinity Parish in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
The works began on Friday, October 4th at 16:00, with the conference "Romanian village in the writings of Father Dumitru Stăniloae," presented by Father Nicu Liuţă from St. George Parish in Vancouver. The presentation, in the power-point style, reminded those present some biographical data of the great theologian and distinguished Professor, after which, the lecturer argued, with ample quotations, the spiritual and moral richness of the villagers of the Romanian village, highlighted with much appreciation in the thinking of Father Stăniloae.
Then, the second conference, "Nicodim Munteanu, Patriarch of Romania at the hour of serious trials," was presented by Father Victor Malanca of St. Demetrios Parish in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Following a well-thought-out plan and in words worthy of the personality of the second Patriarch of Romania, Fr. Victor submitted to the attention of the audience, the events in the life of the Church and the country during the inter and post-war period ( 1939-1948), with whom the worthy Hierarch contended with a great deal of wisdom and discernment, proving to be not only a courageous leader, but an illustrious scholar, as well.
At 7:00 PM, the Sacrament of the Holy Unction began, served by His Grace Ioan Casian and all the priests present.
Saturday, October the 5th, was reserved for discussing the administrative issues of the Deanery and of the Diocese.
After the opening prayer (9:30), the Secretariat and the Commission for the Attestation and verification of mandates were elected. The presentation of the Minutes from the previous Assembly (Edmonton, 2017) was made.
His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian presented Thoughts on the Mission and Pastoral program of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada.
Father Dean Mircea Panciuk presented the biennial Report of the activity of the Western Deanery. Then, the Report on the parish documents necessary for the Diocesan archive and the financial report was presented, after which the Commission of Attestation and the Deanery Consistory, were elected.
Mrs. Daniela Stroescu presented the AROLA report, and Mrs. Viorica Ciocan, the one on religious education. With the ROYA report, the works of the Deanery Assembly were completed.
At 4:00 PM, Vespers service was celebrated.
On Sunday morning, October the 6th, His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian was received by Fathers: George Bazgan (Eparchial Vicar), Mircea Panciuk (Dean) and Calin Mărincaş, (Parish Priest of the host parish).
At the end of the Hierarchical Liturgy, His Grace, introducing the Gospel reading of the Sunday about the raising from the dead of the widow's son in Nain, spoke about the significance of Sunday, in which we celebrate the resurrection of the Savior, and especially the Matins on the Lord’s Day, when "The altar represents the tomb of the Lord, and the priest, by reading the Gospel of the Resurrection, represents the angel who brought the good news. Today's Gospel introduces us into the reality of Resurrection." Highlighting the other two raisings from the dead performed by our Savior, as well as the one performed by St. Prophet Elijah on the son of the widow of Sarepta, His Grace said: "The suffering of the woman was shared by the whole community. The Savior had pity on her because mercy is one of God's attributes, who is All-merciful."
After the anointing and offering of icons, the fellowship dinner, prepared by the ladies of the host parish followed.
We thank Father Călin Mărincaş, Psa. Simona, the Parish Council and the Ladies Auxiliary for a truly Romanian and friendly reception!