On Saturday, September 14, the Monastery of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross & St. Ephraim the New celebrated its main feast. Beside His Grace Ioan Casian were present Arhim Lucian Coroi, Protos. Corneliu Andrasco, Fr. Viorel Țencaliuc - dean, Fr. Felician Chelaru, Fr Lucian Puşcariu, Fr. Iulian Stoica, Fr. Mihai Cristea, Fr. Vasile Aileni ierod. Mardarie Tofan.
The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is situated at the beginning of the church year - said the hierarch of Canada. The feast is found here for a historical reason, being related to the consecration of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem and to the finding of the wood of the Holy Cross on which Christ was crucified. But the Cross is situated here for a spiritual reason too that means that by its presence at this beginning, its imprints by the spirit of Christ the whole church year. The sacrifice of Christ represented by the Cross is pointed in three directions, Father Staniloae tells us: (1) towards God the Father for the forgiveness of sins; (2) the nature of Christ is brought to sacrifice being filled with the grace of God as sacrificial; (3) towards other people thus restoring the communion with others in the spirit of God. By giving itself to God, nature frees itself from its selfishness, which closes it within itself.
The final conclusion of the quality of priest in fact is the quality of man as being responsible before God. Man by the fall becomes irresponsible towards God and towards himself and towards the deep and authentic vocation with which God endowed it. By sacrifice man responds to the call of God that fills him with His gifts.
The celebration ended with a brotherly agape attended by all present.