Tuesday, July 30, His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian attended the annual informal lunch offered by Cardinal Thomas Christopher Collins. The HE Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada, HG Bishop Mitrofan - Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Canada and HG Bishop Andriy - Eastern Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy participated on the Orthodox side. Vicar Bishops John A. Boissonneau and Wayne Joseph Kirkpatrick of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto took part with Cardinal Collins. A number of priests from both sides were also present.
Various societal problems were discussed - abortion, gender identity, refugee and immigration issues due to economic conditions or conflicts. Also, different opinions have been shared regarding possible collaborations in the theological field, in common positions on certain topics, in the ethical and practical fields.
The meeting ended in a cordial atmosphere with the desire to intensify these connections in order to promote Christian values and for a more effective and practical presence of the Church in society.
These informal consultations take place twice a year. One is hosted by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada and the other by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto. They are organized with the intention of sharing different societal views and concerns regarding Christian denominations in Canada, to enhance mutual knowledge, strengthen personal ties between the hierarchies of different Christian jurisdictions, and ensure an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect and to promote a clearer position on ethical and moral issues specifically Christian.