The faithful from St. Prophet Elijah and St. Paraschiva Parish in Newmarket, Ontario, wore joyful vestments on the occasion of the summer parish feast day. The days of the feast began with the Sacrament of the Holy Unction on Saturday evening in the presence of Bishop Ioan Casian, Rev. Fr. Viorel Țencaliuc - dean, Archimandrite Lucian Coroi, Rev. Fr. Mihai Cristea - doyen, Rev. Fr. Vasile Aileni and Rev. Fr. Emanuel Ionut Țencaliuc.
There are at least two elements worth highlighting – said the hierarch of Canada - from the life of St. Prophet Elijah. One is the verticality and fearlessness of the faith which he confessed throughout his prophetic activity. It helped the people to remember the true God and to return to His worship. Another is the connection that he shows us with eternal life. He is the one who, like the Savior, give back the life of the child of the Sarepta Sidon widow, prefiguring the Savior Christ, and who ascends to heaven from life without the physical death that indicates man's vocation for eternity.
The next day the joy continued through the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. Speaking of the Gospel of the day His Grace said:
St. Paul speaks of two essential elements in the life of a Christian: faith and confession. The first is the foundation for the whole life and activity of man. The Apostle Paul speaks of the straight that faith produces in one’s life. It brings to man a fair view of himself and of everything around him. Faith carries with it the understanding of the world and of man as God's works that have the seed of a noble destiny from the beginning given by the Creator. But faith also carries with itself the reality of the resurrection of Christ, and thus the hope of our resurrection and restoration. Confession carries the knowledge of Christ to all, a mission to which He urged the Apostles. The knowledge of Christ determines those who receive Him to follow His example by becoming His disciples in spirit.
St. Prophet Elijah fully embodies both of them; the faith through the righteousness and veracity of his creed in God, and the confession through the fearless deeds of his life as prophet, making himself a public example for all of the way in which a believer has to live. He teaches us the power of faith and of the confession that can change everything.
The feast ended with a fraternal agape meal prepared by the members of the parish.