Saturday July 6th H.G. Bishop Ioan Casian was present at the hram of St. Stephen the Great and St. Nectarios the Parish of Oshawa. Present at the celebration were priests from the Deanery for Central Canada and from Ottawa/Gatineau and Montreal areas.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy the hierarch said:
St. Stephen the Great and Holy is a saint dear to the Romanians with whom they feel connected through history. But beyond the great importance he had in defending the Christian faith and the Romanian perennial presence he was a holy and generous ruler for the whole Christianity. In one of his written letters sent to the leaders of the Christian political powers of the time, he urge them to join him in the fight for the defense of the Christian faith and of the identity of Europe. Although at the head of an incomparably less large country than his contemporary political powers, St. Stephen the Great show its courage and become the initiator of a Christian coalition needed for the common goal of defending Christianity. He shows his human and strategic availability and his generosity because of his love for God and for the Christian faith.
Besides this, he has St. Daniel the Hermit as mentor and confessor, who will strengthen him several times in moments of difficulty and doubt. Certainly, the name "Great and Holy" is also due to the greatness of the deeds of arms in the defense of Christianity and the homeland, but also to the greatness of heart that he has shown and to the holy ideal, which he has not ceased to follow for almost half a century.
Rev. Fr. Petre Busuioc parish priest thanked the hierarch and all those present for participation. The feast ended with an agape meal.