The Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada organizes for the third time the Summer Camp St. Theodora of Sihla between 21st and 27th July 2019
The camp will continue this year with the activities dear to the children. The camp activities are as follows:
- morning and evening prayers;
- catechesis, conferences and discussions related to the Holy Sacraments, the importance of young people and children in the Church;
- icons painting, drawing, history and geography of Romania;
- campfire;
- discussions with a doctor on sanitary issues;
- scientific experiments, walking in the woods, visiting a farm;
- many other games, sports activities.
The camp price is 435 CAD for children coming from parishes of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada and 535 CAD for others. In this price are included accommodation, 3 meals a day, snacks between meals and materials used in the activities performed.