In the life of every community, the anniversaries and celebrations of the saints are unique days, but also moments of profound reflection, balance, and new beginnings. The community of St. George and St. Andrei Saguna’s Cathedral of Windsor, Ontario, on its 101st year of existence, had such a moment on the weekend. A moment of spiritual joy and strengthening in faith through the celebration of one of the Cathedral's protectors, Holy Martyr George, whose relics were given by His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian during the centennial celebration. Another unique moment that speaks about new beginnings was the installation of the new parish priest. By the mercy of God, with the blessing and guidance of His Grace Ioan Casian, the Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Canada, members of the ecclesial community welcomed the new pastor of souls, Rev. Father Lucian Moldovan.
These events began on the evening of Saturday, May 18, 2019, with the celebration of Vespers. Together with His Grace were serving Rev. Fr. Dean Viorel Tencaliuc, Rev. Fr. Nicolae Codrea parish priest of the Descent of the Holy Spirit Parish and Rev. Fr. Lucian Moldovan. On Sunday, May 19th, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated, with the attendance of numerous Christian orthodox of all ages who share into the Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ. The “Armonia” Choir of our Cathedral gave the liturgical responses.
In the homily held at the end of the Divine Liturgy, the hierarch introduced to the congregation Rev. Fr. Lucian, stating that "he was in the past a worthy worker in the field of the Lord in Reghin area, the parish of Poarta, Romania and in Calgary, Alberta. Rev. Fr. Lucian comes in the middle of the community of St. George and St. Andrei Şaguna to deepen a beautiful missionary and administrative task, continuing the work started by many generations of priests who sacrificed to keep up the Romanian Orthodoxy flame on the shores of the Great Canadian Lakes, as there were the Archbishop and Metropolitan Bartholomew Anania, Rev. Fr. Archimandrite Felix Dubneac, Archbishop Victorin Ursache, authentic and faithful believers of Christian Life and Great Romanian Intellectuals."
The new parish priest was handed the Holy Gospel, the Holy Cross, and the symbolic key of the Church. His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian explained the symbolism of the handed-in items, encouraging and advising him in his pastoral and missionary work, giving the example of the Eternal Hierarch, Saviour Jesus Christ, who assumed His mission as High Priest as well as making reference to the duties of the priest according to the Statute of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada.
After the Divine Liturgy, a festive agape - meal was held in the Church Banquet Hall. Students from the Cathedral's Sunday School prepared songs and dances and beautiful spring poems recited for the audience. Candid, beautiful and harmonious children, members of the "Românasii" group evoked the picturesque Romanian village from and sent the message to all of those present, to follow the great command of love.
Looking at their enthusiasm and the love, the people present had the hope that the seeds of the Orthodox faith and the love of the Romanian spirit put into their souls will sprout, and over the years they also will give testimony by preserving Christian orthodoxy and the Romanian language. Over time and over generations the priest and the worshipers of this holy cathedral will have to elevate and strengthen the bridge of love and continuity.