On May 5, HG Bishop Ioan Casian, was among the faithful of Hamilton, Ontario, on the occasion of the celebration of feast-day of the parish. Together with the hierarch were serving Rev. Fr. Lucian Puşcariu, Protosinghelos Corneliu Andraşco and the hierodiacon Mardarie Tofan.
In the homily addressed to the faithful present at this feast, the hierarch said:
On this Sunday, the Savior Jesus Christ apears to the disciples telling them "Peace to you!" This is the word that defines the encounter of man with God. The moment you meet God, you get peace, you get blessing along with the duty to transmit this peace further! ”As the Father has sent me, so I also send you. Receive the Holy Spirit, to whom you will forgive theirs sins, they will be forgiven, and to whom you will keep, they will be kept!" The sending to the apostolate is thus made by the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is not a vocation that comes from the human mandate. The true church, the one sending in the world, is the Church of the Holy Spirit. The mandate of the priesthood - bishop, priest, deacon - is the mandate of the Apostles' ordination, and beyond that also the general priesthood of all those baptized, men or women. This means that each one of you, baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, are partakers of this Church mission of proclaiming the Resurrection of Christ for us and for our salvation.
On this Sunday, the Savior calls on Thomas and tells him "come Thomas and see, touch my coast and be faithful, not unbelieving"! So great is the humility of God, that He subjects Himself to the human need of certainty. Thomas is strengthened in the truth of the Resurrection of Christ, precisely by the humility of God. We all are strengthened ourselves in the humbleness of God come down among us!
After the Divine Liturgy, the Romanian House hosted an agape meal offered by diligent believers of the parish.
On this occasion, the relics of St. Irodion from Lainici, the Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God and St. Nectarios were brought to worship.