On the occasion of the Feast of the Life Giving Fountain, Bishop Ioan Casian was present among the faithful of St. Demetrius & Sts. Three Hierarchs Parish from Toronto. A group of six priests headed by Rev. Fr. Dean Viorel Țencaliuc took part in the Divine Liturgy.
The presence of the hierarch was occasioned by the opening of a new chapel that could facilitate the access of many Romanians from the area to the church services. The bishop consecrated a new Antimision for the new chapel.
Saint Antimision is the visible sign of the connection of the new community with the Church in its entirety through the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ. It is granted by the bishop in the name of the whole Church - the hierarch said.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, bishop Ioan Casian spoke of the significance and the very old tradition of the Feast of the Life-giving fountain. Established after a miraculous healing, it has become a common celebration for all Orthodox.
His Grace also talked about St. Irodion from Lainici. The hierarch remembered that the saint was a person with a chosen life of prayer and askesis. He was also loved by St. Calinic of Cernica, who called him the Luminary of Lainici monastery.
At the end of the service, Bishop Ioan Casian blessed those present.