Descent of the Holy Spirit Parish in Windsor on anniversary moment
Between November 3-5, 2023, His Grace Ioan Casian, the Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Canada, was present among the faithful of the Descent of the Holy Spirit Parish in Windsor, ON, which celebrated its 90th anniversary. On the occasion of the anniversary, the Romanian parish in Windsor organized several festive events to mark the history, faith and love of the community members.
On Sunday, November 5, 2023, in the morning hours, the hierarch was greeted with bread and salt by the children of the parish, and then, in a festive setting, he celebrated the Holy Liturgy with Fr. Nicolae Codrea parish priest and Fr. Simion John Cătău. The religious service was attended by many believers from the city, as well as His Excellency Oana Raluca Gherghe, Consul General of Romania in Toronto.
In the sermon addressed to the faithful, the hierarch said:
“In the parable of the unmerciful rich man and the poor Lazarus from today's Gospel, we are shown that the fruit of our life here on earth corresponds in a certain sense to the way to eternal life. All that we do in our lives - the unfruitfulness of the rich and the need of the poor - does not remain without result for eternal life. We were created by God from the beginning for eternal life. (...) We can see from today's Gospel our responsibility and connection with our neighbor. It is not by chance that we find ourselves in a community, in a church, in a parish, in a monastery, etc. We are responsible to one another, we are responsible in faith, in the hierarchy of ordinances. For example, in a monastic community one is the role of the abbot, another of the treasurer, another of the chanter, another of the serving priest, but all these put together make up a harmonious whole, a world that tries to lead a healthy life in the spirit of Christ.
Let's imagine that the universe and all the beauties created by God would no longer have its laws. It would collapse into nothingness. We must see around us that the same is happening with a society, a church, a community, a city, a country, etc. Everything is ordered primarily according to God's plan and inspiration, but at the same time, the ideas and actions of men intervene, which can be good or bad. That is why we need inner cleanliness. When we are clean internally, spiritually, intellectually, everything else is arranged harmoniously in our life.”
At the end of the Holy Liturgy, a memorial service was held for those who, 90 years ago, with much sacrifice, love and dedication, built a Romanian holy place far from home. Also, as a sign of appreciation, for the more than 30 years of service in the parish, Fr. Simion John Cătău received a pectoral cross from His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian. A similar distinction was also awarded to Fr. Nicolae Codrea. At the same time, the hierarch gave the parish a beautiful icon on which the Mother of God is painted.
The Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit Parish in Windsor, Ontario was crowned by festive agape. It was organized at the Mindszenty Hungarian Cultural Center in the city and enjoyed the presence of an impressive number of believers from the Romanian community in Windsor, as well as distinguished guests. The local authorities were represented by the Mayor of the City of Windsor, Drew Dilkens who presented the Descent of the Holy Spirit Parish in Windsor, Ontario with a Certificate of Appreciation for 90 years of continuous activity. The children who attend the parish school presented, to the delight of the audience, an artistic moment that combined modern dance with Romanian folkloric elements. At the same time, the choral group "Lira" presented a small bouquet of religious and popular songs.
At the end of the day, His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian awarded, in the context of the Homage Year of Pastoral Care for the Elderly in the Romanian Patriarchate, several Diplomas of Honor to the elderly members of the parish, as well as Diplomas of Merit to those who over time, through work and the sacrifice made, showed love and attachment to the holy place.
(notes by Fr. Nicolae Codrea)
Photo: Nana - Just Memories Photography